Engine ECU failure will cause issues such as misfire, lack of power and eventually intermittent to complete non-start. When scanned with diagnostic tools fault codes logged may include: 30BB - DME injectors 2/3 or DME internal, 30BA - DME injectors 1/4 or DME internal and combustion misfire codes of 29CE , 29CD, 29CF and 29DO.

BMW 5 SERIES 2.5 – 3.0 523i / 525i / 530i ECU

(Engine Management) – Part No: 7588620 / 5WK93650

Common Faults:

12474 Injection valve 1,2,3 or motor ecu internal error or 30BA Injection valve 1,2,3 or motor ecu internal error.
12475 Injector 4,5,6 or DME internal error or 30BB Injector 4,5,6 or DME internal error.
Other fault on request.

Part Numbers:

BMW Part Number – 7588620
Continental Part Number – 5WK93650

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